Nativ Pull Tab



Smartcontract address


Contract Address will be revealed closer to the pre-sale launch date to protect Nativs and minimise scam and hacking opportunities

Coin Geko Coin Market Cap

Getting Started

If you’re relatively new to the platform and the world of digital assets, we’ve put together a short guide to help you get to grips with some of the jargon and start your journey with Nativ.

What is Nativ?

Nativ is a network of shared, immersive virtual worlds where people can connect with friends, create and play, work and shop. You can think of the environment as a cyberspace, or an evolved, three-dimensional internet

What are cryptocurrencies?

Put simply, cryptocurrency is a form of digital money. Unlike government-based traditional currencies, there are no need for banks, bank cards or connections to banks in the crypto world. Instead, this alternative form of payment uses encryption algorithms and every computer in the network confirms the transactions.

You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. It was the first ever cryptocurrency that was released in 2008. But since then, thousands of cryptocurrencies have been created, and there are likely to be many more in the future.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is the technology that allows cryptocurrency to exist. It’s a sequence of blocks or groups of transactions that are chained together and distributed among users. Blockchains store information digitally, and maintain a secure, decentralised record of cryptocurrency transactions in the form of digital agreements called smart contracts.

What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It’s a unique digital asset that represents some kind of digital item, such as music or digital art. They’re stored on public blockchains and can be bought and sold within the blockchain.

Nativ NFTs are unique in that they have real utility in the environment, enabling you to generate long-term and passive income.


Exciting and cutting edge Tokenomics to be unveiled soon

What is the Nativ Duty?

Every transaction made in the marketplace will be subject to a Duty. This sophisticated system will benefit Nativs and investors by generating further income for users and the economic system.

Find out more about how this works below

Find out more

How safe are these virtual environments?

Security and transparency are at our core, which is why we will be designing our smart contracts and environment to be fully auditable by a recognised, industry-leading third-party audit firm.

In the Nativ Ecosystem